Linda Kastrup, Benito Walker. Foto: © Markus Laghanke / DIA
The Climate Crisis: How Can We Save Our Planet Now?
In In de tweede aflevering van de serie “Sturm und Drang” bespreken we met Linda Kastrup (Fridays for Future Germany) en Benito Walker (Youth for Climate, Bureau Burgerberaad) wat we moeten doen om de klimaatcrisis in deze uitdagende tijden aan te pakken. Waar kunnen Nederland en Duitsland van elkaar leren – en samenwerken? Moderatie: Mario Daniels (DIA). Met livemuziek van Gisbert zu Knyphausen.
What can and should we do to address the climate crisis? Why is the Fridays for Future-movement in Germany not only bigger but also more influential? What difference does it make that the greens are part of the government now? Can other democratic instruments, such as forming citizens’ councils, help to create a concrete and broadly accepted climate policy? We will discuss these questions with two activists from Germany and the Netherlands, Linda Kastrup (Fridays for Future Germany) and Benito Walker (Youth for Climate NL/Bureau Burgerberaad). We will focus on different developments in both countries, as well as how we can work together and learn from each other. German singer-songwriter and “Artist for Future” Gisbert zu Knyphausen will approach the topic with a special selection of his music. Moderation: Mario Daniels (DIA)
Linda Kastrup is a German climate justice activist. She is particularly involved in her Fridays for Future local group in Duisburg and fights for the preservation of the Sterkrader Forest in Oberhausen. She also organizes the federal state level of FfF-NRW and is a spokesperson for Fridays for Future Germany. Besides that, the 23-year-old activist is studying Educational Science at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Benito Walker is founder of Youth For Climate NL and chairman of Bureau Burgerberaad. Organizations that focus on facilitating the involvement of groups that are now often heard less in the climate debate.
Gisbert zu Knyphausen is a Berlin singer and guitarist who belongs to the A-list of German-language songwriters. They say his lyrics are mostly melancholic, but there is always a glimmer of hope, a belief in the good. Originally from the Rheingau area, Gisbert studied music therapy in Nijmegen in the 2000s.
Mario Daniels is the DAAD-Fachlektor of Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam. He is a historian of the international history of science and technology.
Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam
Voertaal: Engels
Toegang: € 5,- (incl. 1 drankje)
Tickets: hier