In March 1952, representatives of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Jewish Claims Conference, and Israel met in the Netherlands, in secret, in Kasteel Oud Wassenaar. For the next five months, they worked hard to negotiate an unprecedented reparations (Wiedergutmachung/Shilumim) agreement. But what is the history of those negotiations, and what is their legacy today? Exactly seven decades later, the time is ripe for a retrospective on those difficult and important negotiations.Join us for a discussion with historians and eye-witnesses to mark this important anniversary.
H.E. Cyrill Jean Nunn, ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Prof. Ido de Haan, Professor of History after the Middle Ages
Prof. Jacco Pekelder, Director Zentrum für Niederlande-Studien, Westfälische Wilhelm-Universität Münster
Dr. Lorena De Vita, Assistant Professor of the History of International Relations
Voertaal: Engels
Aanmelding via: https://tinyurl.com/bddb85ur of
via e-mail: wassenaar1952@uu.nl